1.204.673.2401 office@brendawaskada.ca

Join us for regular service times at 11:00  AM

Join us on a Joyful Path exploring KINDNESS – songs, stories, activities and supper around the theme of:  “Hide and Seek with God”.  A Joyful Path Program will run on Thursday, March 12th from 5:00 to 6:15 PM.  We are learning about Loving our Neighbour, Loving our Enemy.

Coffee ‘n More takes place Tuesdays in the church kitchen at 9:30 Am.  A time to safely voice the joys and concerns in our lives.

Palm Sunday brunch – Sunday, April 5th 8:30 am-10:30 am.  Followed by our church service at 11:00 am.  Everyone is invited to join us!

The United Church hosted an appreciation evening for John and Fran Dickinson.  The remainder of the money from the cash donations that were received will be donated to the Waskada Lions Club as per John and Fran’s wishes.

The next board meeting will be on Monday, Match 9th at 8:30 am.



Kay McMillan- Chairperson

Janis Williams – Treasurer                                                    Leslie McKinney – Secretary

Coral Meggison                                                                   Dawn Minne

Linda McGregor                                                                        Cheryl Flannery

Bryce McMillan

                                                                                              Trustees – Bob Radcliffe, Bryce McMillan, Don Temple

Heather Sandilands – Minister